A l i s o   R e c o r d s

h o m e         c a t a l o g         a r t i s t s         c o m p o s i t i o n s         c o m p a n y         c o n t a c t


Aldé studied music at the Bremen Academy of Arts (HFK), finishing with the concert examination (Guitar). Participant in international master classes for guitar among others, David Russel, Manuel Barrueco, Duo Sonare and Isan Turnagoel. Beyond these studies intensive work with audiovisual composition, and music production. Going more deeply into percussion, piano and improvisation as well as electroacoustic music. Appearances as solist and in ensembles as guitarrist, percussionist and composer in classical music, electronic music and experimental jazz. Commercial music productions and compositions for the Theaterwerkstatt Göttingen and Theater Bunt Domino. Teaching at several music schools and adult education classes: 2000 - 2005 qualified teacher for guitar and music production at the Calenberger Musikschule. 2006-2012 school of music Musicalix Bremen. Scince 2010 at the secondary school OSL in Bremen (expertise: contemporary music, classes 5-10). Since 2012 Teacher for guitar, percussion and composition at the Freie Musikschule Bremen-Nord, there intention and conduction of the Freies Tonstudio Bremen.

International concerts at presentations for experimental video compositions. Award of the Lottostiftung Niedersachsen and presentation as guitarrist/composer in der Galerie vom Zufall und vom Glück (2006). Award for the best audiovisual composition „Work in progress“, IFCT Washington D.C. (2008). TV show to the work "Post humanity survival" in the station Télé Bocal within the 10th Festival Signes de Nuit Paris (2012)...


See also the website of Aldé

Aldé / Alexander Derben

Aldé album:

like a fly (2011)


(live performance, 2015 / bonn: vernissage comparé à...)

Aldé new album:

Imitate (oct. 2016)